
Hello baby!

Spotted some blood when I was doing my regular big bussiness. 

Trying to be calm and I informed Ben that maybe baby is coming out. 

After double confirmation that in bleeding. I Called my Gynae. 

We confirmed that I'm dilating and having cramps. And I'm having the contractions within 10mins interval.

Slowly take shower, packed stuff and we make our way down.

Reached hospital Ard 2am and after the checks, the nurses confirmed that I'm in labour and I had dilated 4cm.

I was in shocked. So does Ben.

He made his way to register us and I'm at the delivery room.

I thought i can handle the intense contractions. But no..I gave up half way and ask for epidural at 4am. 
Go the injection at 430am and I can seep alrdy.

Woke up at 6plus with my Gynae. She checked and she said I've dilated 9cm and the contraction r good. 
I can prepare to push at Ard 730am.

My mind went black and I was like "push"?

It started at 8am and I start to push.

After several tries, i managed to get the. "Push" feelings.
 Baby is out  after with assisted forceps. But I was covered with my vomit and tears. That spilt second was horrible. 
I only remembered ben said he saw the head and I'm going for the last push.

 And here he is. 

Baby Eason. 23/1/2016 lunar birthdate 12月初16。

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