
who understands me

went back for dinner last saturday.

and there it goes.

it was all about mt BTO.

initially i thought i was out of focus, and im trying to reach for something that do not belongs to me in the first place.
i thought i was being petty and being unreasonable about the BTO and how are the things are arranged and had turned out.

i thought my mind went out of balance and i was trying to seek for the easy way out.

after much thoughts,
i had accepted that this is part of  married couples issues, and i need to accept.

so that's how i stop complaining and Ben and the tension between me and ben begins to reduce.

its all back to normal.

in life,
there is always a but.

my dad was fuming mad.
he is so mad that their just so stubborn about facing and handling changes.
and y am at such a situation and position

he said he is prepared for the worse case the at i will go crazy and he will understand if we divorce because of this issue.

i felt assured.

lucky its history between me and shark,
otherwise it will be more complicated.

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